Jahshaka Worlds

Jahshaka Worlds is a fully interactive publishing solution created to let you integrate with the metaverse and publish your creations to leading virtual platforms. Take your environments to the next level using our inter-connecting portals so users can easily move from universe to location. The Jahshaka World engine provides all the underlying functionality that you need to bring your creations to life, connect them online and update them with a secure versioning system backed up by the blockchain.

World Engine
The Jahshaka worlds engine lets you track and manage your creations and environments across the metaverse, helps you to keep track of your assets, and enables you with inter-universe stitching.
Our world manager publishes and tracks your creations across multiple universes.
Integrated portal technology so your users and travel across multiple universes
Use decentralized assets and NFT's so your work will always be unique
Powered by Soulbank

Building Virtual Worlds
The freedom to create content on your system of your choice, and the ability to easily publish both online and offline.