Jahshaka Blog

Vive Cosmos Review – A Decent Headset Up Against Stiff Competition
Vive Cosmos has arrived and takes HTC’s consumer headset ambitions in a somewhat different direction. Three and a half years after the launch of the original Vive, Cosmos finds itself in a rather strange competitive landscape where it simultaneously must defend itself...
Jahshaka Sting
We just found the old Jahshaka ‘sting’ video that was done to promote the Jahshaka 3.0 release that was in development a few years ago and have uploaded it to youtube for you to check out.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download Jahshaka |...
Jahshaka 3.0 look and feel
If you have any ideas or pointers for the 3.0 look and feel please share them here with us in this post. Attached is a old design we did which is the direction we want to move towards. Any ideas and feedback are welcome as always! Jahshaka | ReInventing Hollywood
Jahshaka is hiring
Jahshaka Project is looking for skilled Qt developers versed in both Qt3 and Qt4 to help us port our codebase to Qt4, as well as a skilled python developer with c++ experience.We are also looking for pre-release product beta testers and feature specification editors....
Jahshaka is back!
Welcome to the new home of the jahshaka editing and effects platform! Jahshaka is back and we are working on getting it up and running as quickly as possible, please bear with us while with pull things together! We have a lot of work to do over the coming months, but...
Powered by Eclipse
We are pleased to announce that we have discovered the joy of developing using Eclipse! IBM really knew what they were doing when they decided to release Eclipse as a OSS project! We have migrated all jahshaka development to Eclipse allowing us to use a single IDE...
HP and Jahshaka at LinuxWorld
Martin Fink, VP of Linux at HP used Jahshaka as a example of a Cool Open Source Application in his recent keynote speech at LinuxWorld in San Francisco! They even showed the audience some nice eye-candy from our gallery (5MB download here)! You can read his speach...
The Jahshaka Wiki
We know that people have been asking for a user guide for a while, but since we are OSS and have limited resources we have to focus on development. In order to help out on this end, we have started a public wiki and encourage our users to jump on board and help build...
Jahplayer 1.9a9 is out!
The Jahplayer 1.9a9 release has been completed and has hit the download pages! We are pleased to announce that you can now play back jahshaka scene files in true 3d! While there is still a lot of work to do before we can become a real competitor to WMP, Quicktime or...
Jahshaka 1.9a9 is out!
The Jahshaka 1.9a9 release has been completed and has hit the download pages! Along with a lot of of new features including GPU support on windows, multi format and HD support, a true plugin engine with 3 suites of plugins to enjoy, and a embeded encoder, we have done...
IBM Rocks!!!
We are pleased to announce that our project was selected as a winner one of 170 free, iPod-mini’s that were a part of the IBM Port-to-Power initiative that they entered into to with Sourceforge! Heres a picture of the iPod we got, along with a shot of the IBM...