Jahshaka Blog

Varjo Launches VR-2 Headset with SteamVR Support
Announced and launched today, Varjo’s enterprise-focused VR-2 brings support for SteamVR content and improves on the headset’s ‘bionic display’, which delivers ‘retina’ resolution at the center of the field of view. A variation called the VR-2 also offers integrated...
Y Combinator Wants To Kill Hollywood
Hollywood appears to have peaked. If it were an ordinary industry (film cameras, say, or typewriters), it could look forward to a couple decades of peaceful decline. But this is not an ordinary industry. The people who run it are so mean and so politically connected...
SOPA goes back to the drawing board!
SOPA has been sent back to the drawing board. 'The move came shortly after the Senate postponed a key vote on the companion PIPA bill scheduled for next week and amid calls for consensus before Congress moves forward on any legislation to address the problem of...
New Jahshaka logo
We just wanted to share the new Jahshaka logo and branding with you that will go out when we launch 3.0. Its a cooler, freasher logo and we think its awesome! Please let us know what you think! It was created by Neosims as a part of the Jashhaka 2.0 animation contest...
JahTV platform soft launch
Just a heads up, we have a soft launch of JahTV online at www.jahtv.com. JahTV will be a online promotional platform and will be linked to in the new Jahshaka releases. The idea is to create a easy way for people to publish and promote the content they create with...
Jahshaka 3.0 editor
Heres the original design that was done up for the jahshaka 3.0 editor, it would be great to get your thoughts and feedback on it. The editor is avid styled but still fits in with the overall look and feel of jahshaka 3.0 and will have smooth integration with the...
Core Jahshaka development
We found another powerpoint breaking down the development plans to move from jahplayer into jahshaka 3.0 with a intermediary release as a DI solution along the way. We have cleaned it up a bit to meet our anticipated timelines and have re-posted it here. <a...
Merry Christmas!
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and amazing New Year here at the Jahshaka Project! We hope to live up to our name and deliver great, awesome free tools for everyone to use in 2012 as our Christmas present to the world! Jahshaka | ReInventing Hollywood
Jahshaka media desktop
Looking through the jahshaka powerpoint and we came across another design for the new jahshaka 3.0 desktop. Since we beleive that the desktop is a key part of any media creation package we wanted to share this with you and get your throughts and feedback. Its...
Jahshaka presentation
We just found a cool powerpoint that was done by the original development team that outlines the different pieces that make up the new jahshaka 3.0 application, the product positioning and the development rollout they were following. Its pretty cool reading, feel free...
Jahshaka 3.0 color corrector
As we are going over the new look and feel for jahshaka 3.0 we came across this old design for the 3.0 color correction module with a/b interactive channels and cool overlay dialogs. It would be great to get your feedback on the look and feel as well as on the...